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3rd Bahia Biennale

United Kingdom Architecture News - May 22, 2014 - 12:08   2592 views

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3rd Bahia Biennale
May 29–September 7, 2014

Opening: May 29, 7–11pm

Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia (MAM-BA)
Av. Contorno s/n - Solar do Unhão
40060-060 Salvador (BA)


After a gap of 46 years elapsed since the closing of the 2nd Biennial of Plastic Arts by the military regime, the Museum of Modern Art of Bahia (MMA-BA), together with the Secretariat of Culture of the State (SECULT-BA), launches the 3rd Biennial of Bahia, which will take place between May 29 and September 7, 2014. With a schedule that extends for 100 days, the Biennale presents public exhibitions, film series, performances, educational activities and public conversations, involving about 150 artists and 200 works scattered Salvador and 9 other cities of Bahia interior.

Going beyond an artistic circuit based exposures only, the 3rd edition marks the return of the Biennial of Bahia with a major rescue of its history and memory, without neglecting the need to update the original intentions of the first editions of the event. Built around the question "Is everything Northeast?", 3rd Biennial focuses on the cultural and historical experience from a northeastern Bahia perspective, opening new channels of dialogue with the rest of Brazil and the world art scene.

Also noteworthy is that the 3rd Biennial of Bahia is being carefully developed by a group of curators from different parts of Brazil and experience in major national and international events. Marcelo Rezende (writer, critic and director of MAM-BA), Ayrson Heraclitus (visual artist and teacher) and Anne Duck (researcher and former executive director of the Cultural Association Videobrasil) form the curatorial board. The team is complemented by the presence of Fernando Oliva (critic and researcher) and Alejandra Muñoz (teacher and researcher), assistant curators.

The MAM and the Biennale

Since March 2013, the Museum of Modern Art of Bahia (BA-MMA) has held a series of meetings, lectures and activities that provide discussion on the models of existing Biennial in Brazil and the world, broadening the discussion about what the format more suitable for the current scenario Bahia. With the proposal to provide a space for discussion platforms and initiatives that contribute to the 3rd Biennial of Bahia, shares together different audiences, they could share opinions and learn a little more about the history of world art.

One of these actions was the project MAM Discusses Biennial, which brought together artists, planners, researchers and teachers, including Alba and Chico Liberato, Lia Robatto, Ieda Oliveira, Jay, Vauluízo Bezerra, Luciana Vasconcelos, Joe Rocha, Juraci Dórea, Juarez Paradise and Alejandra Muñoz. Each encounter put into focus a different theme, always related to the artistic and cultural scene and the organization of a biennial. Besides the guests, the public also played an important part in the discussions.

Similarly, MAM Discusses System and Arts Circuit left the premises of the museum and went to the Federal University of Bahia School of Management, to provide a space for discussion about the market and forms of movement, exhibition and sale of art in local contexts and global. In addition, the MAM to State Library of Bahia and the School of Fine Arts UFBa, places that held the Public Readings curatorial project Biennial of Bahia.

Another action was promoted by the museum MAM Manifesto, which happened during the month of November 2013 and met many representatives of the arts in a diverse program, which featured readings of artistic manifestos, dance performances, performances and even gastronomy. All activities were a preview of what will happen during the hundred days of exhibitions, meetings, concerts and educational activities of the 3rd Biennial of Bahia.

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