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Exhibition:VOILA!- young architects and landscape architects | ARCAM
United Kingdom Architecture News - Mar 24, 2014 - 13:33 2180 views
11.03.14 - 05.04.14
Prins Hendrikkade 600
1011 VX Amsterdam
T 020 620 48 78
F 020 638 55 98
E [email protected]
On show: projects by the designers selected for the 21st edition of the concours des Albums des Jeunes Architectes et Paysagistes (AJAP).
These talents aim to contribute to the development of their profession and of our environment. ARCAM selected those projects that leave behind the old-fashioned distiction between nature and the build environment.
At the opening day laureats Guillaume Calas, Jeremy Nadau en Vincent Lavergne shared their france-based experience with Dutch colleagues Emiel Lamers, Philomene van der Vliet, Tara Steenvoorden and Joost van Noort.
Check here a film on this day and on the exhibition(1.18 min.)
The exhibition VOILA! was organized together with the Institut Francais and the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine. The following designers present their work at ARCAM:
AC & T Paysages et Territoires / Atelier Roberta / D’ici là paysagistes / Atemps architecture /
Antonini + Darmon architectes / Atelier Calas / Ciguë / Des Clics et des Calques / Gens / MU / Nadau Lavergne Architectures / Philippe Rizzotti architectes / Visible.
> via ARCAM