Submitted by Jonathan Budd
Sustainable Building Sourcebook
Architecture News - Aug 04, 2008 - 18:11 11383 views
Energy affects all facets of building design, construction, andoperation, from drawing the initial plans to installing light bulbs,equipment, and appliances. Energy use over the lifespan of a buildingmay be the single most important environmental and economic issue toaddress in building ownership. Excessive fossil-fuel energy use toheat, cool, light, and power buildings results in significantenvironmental impacts at a local as well as global scale, andunnecessarily increases the building`s annual operating and maintenancecosts. Energy efficiencies can be gained in the design, construction,and operation phases of a building`s lifespan; this chapter containssections that address each of these phases. Topics discussed in this chapter: Duct Work Earth-Sheltered Design Energy-Efficient Appliances Energy Recovery Ventilators Energy Saving LandscapesInsulationLightingNatural DaylightingPassive Solar DesignPhotovoltaic SystemsRadiant Barriers, Ridge, & Soffit VentingSolar Water Heating & Space HeatingVentilation FansWater Heating