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spring 2009 issue of Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology
Architecture News - Mar 09, 2009 - 10:17 10564 views
is now available. Contributions include:
The Fragile Phenomenology of Juhani Pallasmaa
By M. Reza Sherazi
Thinking and Building in a More Originary Way
by Christopher Chamberlin
Third Letter from Far South: Inhabiting Intercultural History
By John Cameron
Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology, published three times a year, is a forum and clearing house for research and design that incorporate a qualitative approach to environmental and architectural experience. One key concern of EAP is design, education, and policy supporting and enhancing natural and built environments that are beautiful, alive, and humane. Realizing that a clear conceptual stance is integral to informed research and design, the editors emphasize phenomenological approaches but also cover other styles of qualitative research.
Exemplary themes include: Sense of place; Architectural and landscape meaning; Changing conceptions of space, place, and nature; Home, dwelling, and journey; The nature of environmental and architectural experience; Environmental design as place making; The practice of a lived environmental ethic.
All issues of EAP, 1990-2008, are now on line at: