Submitted by Jonathan Budd

Open Call for Critical Essays and Commentaries on Awarded Projects to be published in various printe

Architecture News - Jan 08, 2009 - 12:30   11622 views

Invitation to all architectural scholars and writers toselect one or more of the projects from the winners of WA Awardsaccording to their specific academic interest, and write an article inwhich some general issue{s} of architecture are discussed withreference to the selected project{s} also analyzed and evaluated indetail.

Either short or long, in English or another language, these articleswill be offered by the WA team to suitable architectural journals, ifauthors contact WA explaining their intentions. Authors can also givethe names and contact details of architectural publications in theircountry, so that the WA team can recommend their articles to theeditors of these publications.

The summary and preliminary draft of each suggested article mightalso be announced at the WA Portal for comments and suggestions ofother WA members.

Eventually, the full or abridged version {its English translation ifin a different language} of each article will be published in the WAAwards Book with the consent of all partners.