Submitted by jula-kim sieber
eBook RadioFavela - The Sound of Rio
Germany Architecture News - Mar 10, 2010 - 15:18 6150 views
Unfassbares wird hörbar ... wird fassbar
Favelas are coming from Rio de Janeiro,
Samba is coming from Rio de Janeiro,
Drugs are coming from Rio de Janeiro,
I‘m coming from Germany – Should I meddle with that?
Worldwide we are confronted with megacities and squatter settlement with an extremely high density. To politicians, economists and sociologists these squatters are a nightmare, but artists love it as a treasure chest. I went to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to see what‘s going on – with my own eyes. The situation is not assumable (unfassbar), but very consumable (hörbar). Theatre, music, movies, (street) art, ... the squatter indwellers did find so many ways to make themselves heard to finally make themselves comfortable in the formal city. My proposition/my reaction then is subsumable (fassbar): a RadioProductionCentre with satellites, the city furnitures. I wanted to tune (into) the process of intermunicipal communication. 140 pages, ca 95 pictures
in German Unfassbares wird hörbar ... wird fassbar
Favelas are coming from Rio de Janeiro,
Samba is coming from Rio de Janeiro,
Drugs are coming from Rio de Janeiro,
I‘m coming from Germany – Should I meddle with that?
Worldwide we are confronted with megacities and squatter settlement with an extremely high density. To politicians, economists and sociologists these squatters are a nightmare, but artists love it as a treasure chest. I went to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to see what‘s going on – with my own eyes. The situation is not assumable (unfassbar), but very consumable (hörbar). Theatre, music, movies, (street) art, ... the squatter indwellers did find so many ways to make themselves heard to finally make themselves comfortable in the formal city. My proposition/my reaction then is subsumable (fassbar): a RadioProductionCentre with satellites, the city furnitures. I wanted to tune (into) the process of intermunicipal communication. 140 pages, ca 95 pictures
in German Unfassbares wird hörbar ... wird fassbar