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5 days left to enter WA Awards 10+5+X 43rd Cycle

United Kingdom Architecture News - Feb 09, 2023 - 11:59   1471 views

5 days left to enter WA Awards 10+5+X 43rd Cycle

Entries for WA Awards 10+5+X 43rd Cycle close in five days. 

WA Awards, a democratic web-based architecture awards, accepts entries in architecture, interior design and student categories from all over the world. 

It's not too late to enter WA Awards 43rd Cycle and be crowned with the acclaimed and prestigious prize.

WA Awards 10+5+X 43rd Cycle will close on Wednesday, 15 February, 2023 (23:59 GMT +0). 

Start your entry today by registering on this page. It's free. If you're already a member of WAC, log in to your account to start your entry.

With just five days to go before the awards close, here are the five strongest features of the WA Awards:

WA Awards 10+5+X is a global, web-based community competition: The essential feature that distinguishes the WA Awards from other competitions is that it is a community competition. Only WAC members, award-winning WAC members, and honorary members of the WAC choose the winners. Read more about WA Awards 10+5+X

WA Awards offers more chances to win:  You are more likely to win as the WA Awards accepts entries in limited categories and selects more winners from each section. We have typically three main sections to enter: Architecture, Interior Design, Student. For each section, the 10 projects that received the highest votes from the WAC Jury and 5 projects selected by the WAC Members are deemed worthy of the WA Awards. Find out more WA Awards' selection process.

WA Award helps you gain international recognition: Be a winner or not, from the moment you participate in the WA Awards, WAC editors will review your project, and your chances of being published in an individual article on WAC will increase. Also, your project will be shared on WAC website, email announcements and social media channels during the voting period and after winners are announced. Moreover, your project will be shared as a winner in other magazines and platforms with which WAC collaborates.

Get high-quality and printable Winner Certificate and Winner Poster: After winners are announced, all WA Awards winners will receive a high-quality Winner Certificate and Winner Poster, mentioning their names and winning projects to promote themselves. 

WA Awards offers affordable fees to enter: Another essential feature of the WA Awards is its low competition entry fees, while offering free-of-charge entry for Students. We aim to make the WA Awards more accessible to middle-scale and small-scale architectural offices, providing them more visibility and increasing their participation by rewarding their work as well as large-scale offices. See WA Awards' fees here

Enter WA Awards 43rd Cycle!

Now that you know everything. Don't you want to be crowned with the WA Award? Hurry up! Start your entry today!

You can consult WAC's How To Participate page if you need visual guidance. If you have further questions about WA Awards 10+5+X, you can contact the WAC editorial team at [email protected].

Top image in the poster: JIANFA · NATURAL PRIDE Art Center, Yinchuan by Arch-Age-Design (AAD) in China won the WA Award in the 42nd Cycle. Image © Tumai Image Zou Fenghan|4U STUDIO. 

WA Awards