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Practicing Social Design:Lab.Pro.Fab

United Kingdom Architecture News - Sep 08, 2014 - 10:16   2752 views

Practicing Social Design:Lab.Pro.Fab

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by Alan Kadduri

The level of innovation and civic engagement in South America continues to surprise me, or should I say impress me, since the continent is full of great initiatives, which has received far too little attention and recognition in my part of the world. While those living in welfare states are used to expect and receive service from the state, the scenario is often completely different in places such as South America. And although Latin governments have improved when it comes to public reforms and policies, change is often reached through joint efforts between communities, local authorities and other stakeholders such as private sector entities involved.

The city of Medellin, voted as city of the year 2013 by the Urban Land Institute, is maybe the best example of how a city mostly known for its social problems transformed and redesigned itself, with the citizens actively participating in the process. The effort also included the government and private sector entities, but in South America, this stakeholder constellation is unfortunately still the exception rather than the rule. However, looking at Colombia's eastern neighbour, we encounter another case of joint ventures between various actors of society, worth elaborating upon, in the following sections.....Continue Reading

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