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IFLA Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award 2015 - Call for Nominations
United Kingdom Architecture News - Sep 05, 2014 - 11:44 3362 views
The International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA), which represents the worldwide profession of landscape architecture, is soliciting nominations for its Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award.
The IFLA Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award is the highest honor that the International Federation of Landscape Architects can bestow upon a landscape architect. The Award recognizes a living landscape architect whose lifetime achievements and contributions have had a unique and lasting impact on the welfare of society and the environment and on the promotion of the profession of landscape architecture. The award is bestowed annually on an academic, public or private practitioner whose work and achievements are respected internationally.
Candidates may be nominated by IFLA Member Associations, delegates, individual members and allied organizations, as well as independent sources. The award recipient will be identified through a nomination and jury selection process. The Award recipient will be notified by the IFLA President and invited to attend the IFLA World Congress, where the winner will be announced, the Award will be presented, and the winner will make a presentation of his/her work at a suitable function in conjunction with the Congress. The 2015 IFLA World Congress will be in St. Petersburg, Russia from June 10-12, 2015.
The IFLA Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award was initiated in 2004 on a quadrennial basis. Its inaugural recipient was Peter Walker (USA) in 2005. In 2009 Prof. Bernard Lassus (France) was granted the Award. In 2010 the award was changed to an annual one. The 2011 recipient was Cornelia Hahn Oberlander (Canada), the 2012 recipient was Mihaly Mocsenyi (Hungary), the 2013 recipient was Gonçalo Ribeiro Telles (Portugal), and the 2014 recipient was Sun Xiao Xiang (China).
Nominations for the 2015 IFLA Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award must be submitted by November 30, 2014. Refer to the IFLA website for the complete Call for Nominations, Timetable and Submission Requirements.
Candidate Selection
The award recipient will be identified through a nomination and jury selection process.
In agreeing to be nominated, candidates must also agree to present a lecture on their work at the IFLA World Congress, and/or other suitable fora, in the event of winning the award, and that they are willing to travel to the 2015 IFLA World Congress in St. Petersburg, Russia from June10-12, 2015 to accept the award. A candidate may be nominated up to a maximum of three times for the award.
Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee includes landscape architects from all four regions of IFLA, who represent the range of academic, public and private practice and have a thorough knowledge of the profession, its key practitioners, and international practice.
The Nomination Committee initiates a search for an appropriate candidate by soliciting nominations from IFLA World Council members, member associations and independent sources. The Committee also develops nominations to help ensure a broad range of qualified nominees for consideration as final candidates.
After the Nomination Committee agrees on a list of suitable final candidates for the Award, it will seek the agreement of each candidate to be so nominated, and then obtain additional information supporting their nomination from them, which will then be referred to the nominee’s national association for confirmation. This supporting information should include: (1) the nominee’s Education, and experience in Teaching and Lecturing, Research/innovation, Practice, Professional Organizations, Publishing, and any other International pursuits in list form under each topic – max. 5 pages, and (2) graphics of work, such as projects, and a personal photo – max. 3 pages. The final confidential list of candidates and their initial and supporting submittals are then supplied to the Awards Jury, which selects the recipient of the award. The Committee also submits a report on the Nominees and the Nominations process to the IFLA President and the Awards Jury.
Awards Jury
The Awards Jury comprises 5 members – a Chair and at least one member from each region of IFLA. The Jury adopts its own working procedures, establishing criteria for assessment in terms of the purpose of the Award and the categories of nominations. Upon completion of their work, the Jury submits a written report to the IFLA President. The report and its result remain confidential until the award winner has been officially announced by the IFLA President at the 2015 IFLA World Congress.
Procedure for the Award
The Award recipient will be notified by the IFLA President and invited to attend the IFLA World Congress, where the winner will be announced, the Award will be presented, and the winner will make a presentation of his/her work at a suitable function in conjunction with the Congress. The content of the presentation will be made available for IFLA use.
a. Costs of the award shall be fully covered by IFLA, with the support of member associations and sponsors, as appropriate.
b. The award shall include an economy flight to the IFLA World Congress, three days funded accommodation, and registration at the IFLA World Congress, but no monetary grant.
The Sponsor of the Award
The sponsor(s) of the Award, if any, is to be informed of the progress and granting of the award, invited to the ceremony to present the award and, in conjunction with IFLA, encouraged to promote the award and its benefits.
Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe (1900 – 1996), IFLA President of Honour, served IFLA as founding President from 1948-1954. He was a trained architect, town planner, landscape architect and garden designer, but his prime interest was in landscape and garden design. Jellicoe was a founding member (1929) and then President of the British Institute of Landscape Architects (the ILA – now the LI) and was knighted for services to landscape architecture in 1979. In 1994, he was given the Royal Horticultural Society’s highest award, the Victoria Medal of Honour.
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