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International Competition: 3rd Edition of Baku International Architecture Award
Azerbaijan Architecture News - Mar 03, 2017 - 11:50 12265 views
The Third edition of the Baku International Architecture Award has been launched on 25 February 2017. The open, biennial award organised by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan is endorsed the International Union of Architects (UIA).
The UIA is proud to announce that the Second edition of the Awards in 2015 enjoyed participation from 34 countries and the award winners came from 12 countries: Bangladesh, Spain, Portugal, Japan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Germany, Italy, Vietnam, Singapore, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. The prize recognizes achievement in urban planning and architecture, focusing on composition, volumetric and spatial solutions.
Participants are invited to submit projects in the following categories:
A – best implemented project in the architecture of public buildings
B – best implemented project in the architecture of residential buildings
C – best project undertaken in the field of rehabilitation and reconstruction of buildings
D – best implemented interiors
E – best implemented project in the field of landscape architecture
F – best non-realised project in any of the categories above
G – best publication in the field of architecture
H – best architecture journalism and criticism (online and print)
The prize fund of 52,500 AZN will be divided into three prizes for each category:
First Prize - 4000 AZN, 2000 AZN for categories G & H
Second Prize - 2500 AZN, 1250 AZN for categories G & H
Third Prize - 1000 AZN, 500 AZN for categories G & H
International jury
Vassilis Sgoutas (chair) - former UIA President, Greece
Michel Barmaki - former UIA Secretary General, Lebanon
Hayder Ali - UIA Region V Vice-President, Sudan
Frédéric Ragot - UIA Region I Council Member, France
Elbay Gasimzada, Chairman of the board Union of Architects of Azerbaijan
Architects duly qualified for architectural practice in their country of residence may participate in the Award. Each participant can submit only one project for each category and participation is free of charge.
Announcement: 25 February 2017
Deadline for submitting questions: 1 August 2017
Deadline for organiser’s replies to questions: 15 August 2017
Deadline for dispatching entries by post: 1 September 2017
Deadline for the reception of entries: 15 September 2017
International jury: 6 October 2017
Announcement of the results: 7 October 2017.
Please note that projects by national participants must be submitted by 18:00, 15 September 2017 to the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Union of Architects of Azerbaijan at 24 Murtuza Muxtarov Street.
Foreign participants’ submissions must be postmarked 1 September 2017 and must reach the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan by 15 September 2017.
Top image: International Baku Architecture Award 2015 - 1st Prize Cat. Rehabilitation & reconstruction: Chang Yong Ter (Singapour)
> via UIA