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Call for Submissions:JAP 2016 Special Issue-’’Public Transportation in Car Oriented Cities’’
United Kingdom Architecture News - Jan 02, 2015 - 13:05 4809 views
Scope of the Journal of Architecture and Planning (JAP) - King Saud University
The journal of Architecture and Planning (JAP) published by King Saud University – provide an opportunity for scholars to publish their original works based on distinguished scientific research in the fields of Architecture and Building Science, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Urban and Regional Planning and related subjects. The journal publishes articles that contribute original research in the specialized fields. The articles discuss, analyze and conclude valuable results undertaken by faculty members, practicing professionals and graduate students, either locally or globally. The journal has international acceptance, and is one of the oldest in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It was publishing yearly since 1985, biannually since 2004.