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MIPIM 2015:3rd Day Coverage
United Kingdom Architecture News - Mar 14, 2015 - 12:08 12416 views
Masterminds Architecture:From Urban Planning To Designing Resilient Cities
From left to right;Kai-Uwe Bergmann,Partner at BIG,David van der Leer,Executive Director,Van Alen Institute,Madden Peter,Chief Executive,Future Cities Catapult,Moderator:Prof.Greg Clark,Greg Clark Ltd.
MIPIM's selective discussions has continued in its 3rd day,the first session has discussed the Resilient Cities and its entegration with public,finance and technology.The panel,''Masterminds Architecture:From Urban Planning To Designing Resilient Cities'' speakers were Kai-Uwe Bergmann,partner at BIG,David van der Leer,Executive Director,Van Alen Institute and Peter Madden,Chief Executive,Future Cities Catapult and the panel was directed by Prof.Greg Clark.The speakers basically talked about the technology use in community involvement,data usage,financialization of the projects and the true set up of resilient cities through examining some disasters coastal regions.
The BIG U, BIG’s proposal for the Rebuild by Design Competition. Image Courtesy of BIG
By considering resilient cities,Kai-Uwe Bergmann has explained BIG's U project in New York in a detailed way and insisted on how this ''Protective Wall'' will force the other side of the project in a social manner.Especially,Kai-Uwe Bergmann has called BIG's project as a ''Protective Wall'' to create a setback for the community in New York and he added that the aspect of of sociality of this project will drive the use of space effectively.
The Power Of The Crowd:A Game Changer In Commercial Real Estate - Crowdsourced Session Winner 1
From left to right:Moderator:Ben Constantini,Conferences & Content,Reed MIDEM,Michael Mandel,CEO,CompStak,Dan Miller,Co-Founder & President,Fundrise,Justin Hughes,CTO,Realty Mogul, Co.
MIPIM's the other most interesting session was about the digital crowdsourcing&crowdfunding.In digital environment,digital crowdsourcing and crowdfunding platforms are seen a new game changers in real estate sector for people who try to find a real transperancy in investment market.This panel,''The Power Of The Crowd:A Game Changer In Commercial Real Estate - Crowdsourced Session Winner 1'' has discussed these platforms and its workability,finance,technology and transperancy in a lot of ways.The panelists from different platforms;Michael Mandel,CEO,CompStak,Dan Miller,Co-Founder & President,Fundrise,Justin Hughes,CTO,Realty Mogul, Co.,have explained the importance of culturally speaking in new investment market.''The quick transactions of the money,participatory act and transperancy of information creates fairness'' said Mandel,CEO,CompStak,and he added that ''people prefer these platforms because they are delivering things directly,fastly and efficiently and gain more access to the capital.''The most important thing that the panelists emphasized is;the investment policy in general is running up regional but these mediums are universal and gets more transactions because of transperancy.
Mr.Mandel,Miller and Hughes stressed all the new returns of these digital platforms for the future and they have said that ''people wait all the information under fingerprints and these systems restructure large publishers,they gonna raise the bar,transperancy is inevitable and it's a big potential industry and it gonna be more efficient,more transperant,more quicker data play for dealers&investers.''' Crowdfunding is just distributing the money to capital.It is not an innovation'' said Miller.
MIPIM 2015 Winners
During the first three days of MIPIM, delegates have been invited to vote for their favourite project in each category at the Awards Gallery located in the heart of the exhibition area. This vote counts 50% of the final result, along with the jury's vote.
People's Choice Award
Oxygen Eco-Tower,Jakarta, Indonesia,Architect:Progetto CMR Engineering Integrated Services S.r.l.Developer/Client: Bimantra Citra;image courtesy of MIPIM
Special Jury Award
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park ,London, United Kingdom,Architect:Erect Architects with LUC landscape architect, James Corner Field Operations with Make Architects,Developer:London Legacy Development Corporation;image courtesy of
Best Hotel&Tourism Resort
Center Parcs Woburn Forest,UK,Architect:Holder Mathias,Developer:Center Parcs,image courtesy of MIPIM
Best Industrial and Logistics Developments
Würth Svenska AB,Sweden,Architect:White,Developer:Würth Svenska AB,image courtesy of MIPIM
Best Innovative Green Building
One Central Park, Australia,Architect:Ateliers Jean Nouvel&PTW Architects,Developer:Sekisui House Australia,image courtesy of MIPIM
Best Office&Business Development
Selcuk Ecza HQ,Turkey,Architect:Tabanlıoğlu Architects:Melkan Gürsel & Murat Tabanlıoğlu,Developer: Selcuk Ecza Holding,image courtesy of MIPIM
Best Refurbished Building
Dreischeibenhaus,Germany,Architect:HPP Hentrich - Petschnigg & Partner GmbH + Co. KG,Developer: MOMENI Projektentwicklung GmbH image courtesy of MIPIM
Best Residential Development
Krøyers Plads I,Denmark,Architect:Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects & COBE Architects,Developer:NCC Bolig A/S image courtesy of MIPIM
Best Shopping Centre
Markthal Rotterdam,Rotterdam,Architect:MVRDV,Developer:Provast,image courtesy of MIPIM
Best Urban Regeneration Project
Boulevard Euromediterranée - Marseille's new waterfront,France,Architect:Ateliers Lion - Ilex - Kern et Associés,Developer:Developer Euromediterranée,image courtesy of MIPIM
Best Futura Project
Cité musicale départementale de l'Île Seguin,France,Architect:Shigeru Ban Architects Europe - Agence Jean de Gastines Architectes,Developer:Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France,image courtesy of MIPIM
Best Futura Mega Project
New North Zealand Hospital,Denmark,Architect:Herzog & de Meuron + Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects,Developer:The Project Organization “New North Zealand Hospital”image courtesy of MIPIM