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Henning Larsen Foundation Launches Film Competition
United Kingdom Architecture News - Oct 09, 2014 - 12:52 3037 views
The Henning Larsen Foundation is launching an international competition on architecture and film. The aim of the competition is to revitalise the use of architecture on film and foster new inspiration to architects and film professionals.
The Foundation has previously launched three similar competitions under the themes: “photographing architecture” in 2007, “drawing architecture” in 2008 and “writing about architecture” in 2012.
Architecture is closely related to other art forms – not only to photography, drawing and language, but also to film and music. Architecture speaks to all senses, and it changes expression over time. Architecture is an abstract art form which does not take real shape until occupied and activated by movements through the space.
The previous strong role of architecture on film seems less dominant in new films from the latest decades.
Live images have a special relation to architecture because film is experienced in time and space just as architecture. Film is thus more capable of providing a full spatial experience of architecture compared to photography.
The theme of the competition is the experience of architectural space over time. The task is to create a film sequence of 1-5 minutes which animates architecture by embracing time as the primary dimension.
The competition entries will be evaluated on their artistic quality and ability to inspire a new approach to architecture and the film media.
Competition entries can be uploaded from 1 February 2015. Deadline is 12 March 2015. The result of the competition will be published on 20 August 2015 on the foundation’s website.
The evaluation committee consists of architect Troels Troelsen, film instructor and author Christian Braad Thomsen, Master of Arts Bente Scavenius, architect Peter Møller Rasmussen, architect, production designer Jette Lehmann, and Principal Vinca Wiedemann (Alternate).
The Henning Larsen Foundation was established in 2001 with Henning Larsen’s private funds and has since then awarded grants each year on the founder’s birthday, 20 August.
The objective of the non-profit and charitable Foundation is to promote and disseminate Danish architecture in a broad sense. A number of Danish architects have been awarded grants and the Foundation has organised international competitions.
The Henning Larsen Foundation
The Henning Larsen Foundation was first established in 2001 with Henning Larsen’s private funds. The purpose of the Foundation is to promote and disseminate Danish architecture in a broad sense, and each year on the founder's birthday on 20 August, one or more grants are awarded.