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Red Cross Volunteer House Unveiled by COBE
United Kingdom Architecture News - Nov 06, 2014 - 10:48 7299 views
A new iconic Volunteer House for the Danish Red Cross is unveiled. The Volunteer House will be built as an extension to the existing headquarters of Danish Red Cross in Copenhagen. The building is shaped as a triangle rising up towards the headquarters. A spectacular roof surface with stairs and terraces makes it a distinctive spot inviting people in and encouraging passersby to enter and explore.
The Red Cross Volunteer House is located in Østerbro - a Copenhagen borough on the border of Fælledparken
As an extension to the headquarters of Danish Red Cross, the Volunteer House is directly connected to the existing main entrance, thus creating a common entrance to the entire Red Cross. Shaped as a triangle with a spectacular accessible roof surface, the Volunteer House is designed with the ambition to invite people in, and to encourage passersby to enter and explore. The façade gives the building a distinctive architectural expression, making it an iconic building that both relates to and reinterprets its surroundings. The building contains a flexible interior lay-out, making room for both workshops, exhibitions, lectures and much more.
The Red Cross Volunteer House will be an extension to the Danish Red Cross headquarters - a modernistic building fromthe 1950's originally designed as head office for the regional government of the greater Copenhagen area.
As an extension to the headquarters of Danish Red Cross, the Volunteer House is directly connected to the existing mainentrance, thus creating a common entrance to the entire Red Cross. The building is designed as a huge triangle rising uptowards the existing headquarters
The building has an accessible eye-catching pitched roof surface with stairs, benches and terraces
Trees and greeneries are scattered out on the roof and in the surrounding garden
The Volunteer House invites everyone to enter via big cut-outs in the roof structure
Upon entering the building you will be greeted by an exhibition and café area. Turning left, the Volunteer Houseunfolds and a huge staircase leads you to a flexible conference and exhibition space.
Site plan
Plan ground floor
Plan lower level
All Images © COBE
Project Facts
Location:Copenhagen, Denmark
Client:Danish Red Cross - donated by the A. P. Møller Foundation
Program:House for the volunteers of Danish Red Cross - exhibition and workshop spaces, incident rooms, conference rooms and café
Size:750 m2
Status:1st prize in compeititon 2013, completion 2015
Collaborators:The volunteers of Danish Red Cross, Søren Jensen Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma and PK3 Landscape Architects