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Last Day for Registration:24H Competition 6th edition

United Kingdom Architecture News - May 13, 2015 - 12:08   3194 views

Last Day for Registration:24H Competition 6th edition

Recall for 24H Competition 6th edition! -''Memories''

Memory is like a mirror, a souls perfume, a conscience placed in time from where we can observe the past and those that are absent, calling them to us.By conserving not only their ideas, but also their order and position we can make part of the world they lived in.

Memory is, therefore, the psychiatric faculty that allows us to retain and recall past events.Throughout history, monuments and buildings were ordered to be constructed, streets and cities were named in memory of someone’s achievements that deserve to be remembered by the people.

This human need to preserve the past for future memories comes since Ancient Mesopotamia times.The importance of passing on this knowledge to the future generations as an effort to maintain the history of human kind alive by registering its most striking and defining moments, is an imperative of our society !

Dates for Registration

-Promotional registration period from April 14  to April 23 at 23:59 - Fee € 10

-Regular registration period from April 24  to May 13 at 23:59 - Fee € 15

-Late period of registration from May 14 to May 16 at 12:00 (noon) - Fee € 20 

-Publication of winners and honorable mentions at on May 31 

-Publication of winners and honorable mentions at on 13 April

Register Now

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