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Exploding Footnotes:Design Research in Action
United Kingdom Architecture News - May 06, 2015 - 22:17 4173 views
Department of Design Research, Writing & Criticism
School of Visual Arts
136 West 21 Street, Second Floor, New York, NY
Exhibition:Wednesday, May 13–Monday, May 18, 2:00–8:00 p.m.
Who creates Design Districts and what do they mean by "design"?
“Exploding Footnotes” is an
SVA Design Research would love you to be there to participate in the live critique of the students' work!
The exhibition turns the spotlight on the thesis research process. It seeks to retrieve the gold dust often buried in footnotes at the bottom of the page, to expose and examine the research trails, the behind-the-scenes travails, legwork, drama, breakthroughs, doubts, and dead-ends that are a part and parcel of in-depth research, but normally smoothed over by the linear narrative of scholarly writing. By zeroing in on these tiny superscript numerals and the riches they contain, we celebrate the research process as well as its products.
Join event to help celebrate this year’s graduating students as they showcase the diverse manifestations of the deep research that underpins their thesis projects.Follow the year-long journeys of these design researchers as they navigate such intertwined themes as: digital prosthetics, design piracy, publishing as performance, the branding of Space 2.0, the design of death, cognitive biases, and fashion design education. Bodies of research are linked and filtered by an overarching set of questions and analyses.
The exhibition is organized by the SVA MFA Design Criticism Class of 2015, collaborating with Superscript co-founder Molly Heintz, graphic designer Neil Donnelly, and HAO / Holm Architecture Office.
Opening Reception and Live Crit: Evening of Wednesday, May 13
4:00:Guided Exhibition Tours and Press Preview
5:00:Introduction:Alice Twemlow, Chair of SVA Department of Design Research, Writing & Criticism
MA Students' Presentations:
Brittany Dickinson on fashion design education’s attempts to stitch sustainability and ethics into its pedagogy.
Lisa Silbermayr on the impact of language in the political decisions and regulatory frameworks that shape New York’s public housing.
Alper Besen on how critical thinking is taught, learned, and reflected upon in architecture education.
Christina Milan on the shifting relationship between viewer and design object in the digitization of design museums.
Susan Merritt on what the design of burial containers says about changing attitudes towards death and burial practices in the US.
Molly Butcher on the material culture of the race to colonize Mars.
6:00:MFA Students' Presentations:
Meg Farmer on the role of the image in influencing the preservation of mid-century domestic architecture in Southern California..With guest critic Alexandra Lange, architecture and design writer/critic
Lauren Palmer on the problematics of archiving the live performance as arts magazine.With guest critic David Senior, bibliographer at The Museum of the Modern Art Library
Mariam Aldhahi on the creation of Design Districts and their varying definitions of design.With guest critic Sharon Zukin, urban sociologist, author and professor, CUNY Graduate Center
Justin Zhuang on piracy as a force for innovation in the world of industrial design.With guest critic Christopher Sprigman, co-author of The Knockoff Economy
8:00:Feedback and discussion with all students, critics, audience. With guest moderator Nicola Twilley8:30:Afterparty with refreshments
Alexandra Lange
Alexandra Lange is an architecture and design critic, contributing to New York Magazine, the New Yorker blog, and The New York Times, Design Observer, and Dezeen, among others. She has taught architecture criticism in the SVA MFA Design Criticism program and at NYU. During academic year 2013–2014 she was a Loeb Fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. She is the author of Writing About Architecture: Mastering the Language of Buildings and Cities (Princeton Architectural Press, 2012), as well as the e-book The Dot-Com City: Silicon Valley Urbanism (Strelka Press, 2012).
David Senior
David Senior is the bibliographer at the Museum of Modern Art Library, where he manages collection development. Senior lectures often on the history of artists' publications and contemporary art and design publishing. He also curates exhibitions of MoMA Library materials including, most recently: "Ray Johnson Designs," "Please Come to the Show," "Millennium Magazines," and "Access to Tools: Publications from the Whole Earth Catalog, 1968–74."
Christopher Sprigman
Christopher Sprigman teaches intellectual property law, antitrust law, competition policy and comparative constitutional law at NYU Law School. His scholarship focuses on how legal rules affect innovation and the deployment of new technologies. He is the co- author of The Knockoff Economy: How Imitation Sparks Innovation (Oxford 2012), co-authored with Kal Raustiala of the UCLA School of Law. Sprigman has served as appellate counsel in the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, and been a partner at King & Spalding.
Sharon Zukin
Sharon Zukin is professor of sociology at Brooklyn College and at the CUNY Graduate Center. Zukin is the author of books on cities, culture and consumer culture, and a researcher on urban, cultural and economic change. She was Broeklundian Professor from 1996 to 2008. She received the Lynd Award for Career Achievement in urban sociology, from the American Sociological Association, and the C. Wright Mills Book Award for Landscapes of Power. She was visiting professor at the University of Amsterdam, 2010-11, and a distinguished fellow in the Advanced Research Collaborative at the CUNY Graduate Center in fall 2014.
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