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RIBA announced Bjarke Ingels as the RIBA International Honorary Fellow 2015

United Kingdom Architecture News - Sep 28, 2015 - 21:34   5274 views

RIBA announced Bjarke Ingels as the RIBA International Honorary Fellow 2015

VIA at West 57th Street Durst Skypan for IFStudio

all images courtesy of The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) announced Bjarke Ingels as the RIBA International Honorary Fellow 2015, awarded annually to people who have made a particular contribution to architecture, for building more sustainable communities and for educating future generations. RIBA presented Bjarke Ingels with his distinctive design approach and mentioned that ''Bjarke’s youthful ambition was to be a cartoonist and he decided to study architecture at the Royal Academy in Copenhagen only to improve his drawing skills. Then the bug bit and by the end of his third year at the Technica Superior de Arquitectura in Barcelona he had set up his own practice and won his first competition. To gain more experience he went to work for Rem Koolhaas in 1999, returning in 2001 to set up PLOT together with another former OMA colleague Julien de Smedt.'' 

RIBA announced Bjarke Ingels as the RIBA International Honorary Fellow 2015

Bjarke Ingels, image © Stephen Voss

In RIBA's statement, it was mentioned that ''BIG is well known for pushing the boundaries of what is possible - many of the buildings defy traditional architectural conventions while achieving a balance between the playful and the practical, the sustainable and affordable. The results are invariably photogenic, hence their popularity with the public and the press.''

RIBA announced Bjarke Ingels as the RIBA International Honorary Fellow 2015

Danish Expo Pavilion 2010, image © Iwan Baan

Bjarke has received numerous awards and honours, including the Danish Crown Prince’s Culture Prize in 2011, the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale in 2004, and the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Award for Excellence in 2009. In 2011, the Wall Street Journal awarded Bjarke the Architectural Innovator of the Year Award and in 2012, the American Institute of Architects granted the 8 House its Honor Award. 

RIBA announced Bjarke Ingels as the RIBA International Honorary Fellow 2015

Danish Maritime Musem, image © Rasmus Hjortshoj

RIBA announced Bjarke Ingels as the RIBA International Honorary Fellow 2015

Gammel Hellerup Sports hall, image © Jens Lindhe

RIBA announced Bjarke Ingels as the RIBA International Honorary Fellow 2015

Superkilen Masterplan, image © Iwan Baan

RIBA announced Bjarke Ingels as the RIBA International Honorary Fellow 2015

The Mountain, image © Carsten Kring

Please read the full story on RIBA

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