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Ctrl+Space presents New Competition - Hamburg Hybrid Housing

Germany Architecture News - Aug 31, 2015 - 16:44   5333 views

Ctrl+Space presents New Competition - Hamburg Hybrid Housing

This is a single stage Ideas Competition with the aim of identifying the best proposal of a Mixed Use building in Hamburg, Germany. 

In recent years this city is experiencing unprecedented growth, in particular with the HafenCity Project, currently the largest development project in Europe: a commercial, residential and business district built directly in the river Elbe. When finished, by 2020, this whole project will have expanded by 40% the city’s downtown area. An ambitious development for the city, with special relevance in quality architecture sets the background for this Competition.
The purpose is to present concepts that could make concrete improvements to the urban setting at the neighborhood scale to the chosen Intervention Site. Mainly devoted to a Residential program, this is also an opportunity to generate models for wider application, answering to a growing generalized shortage of homes in the city centre felt in cities like London, New York, Tokyo and many others.
A total fund of 5000€ in prize money will be awarded to winning entries and awards of merit. To all the awarded proposals, online promotion will be made through specialized websites and blogs.
First Prize: 3500€
Second Prize: 1000€
Third Prize: 500€
5 Awards of merit, with no monetary prize


This Competition is open to all students and professionals of areas related to Architecture, individually or in group up to 4 members. Multidisciplinary teams are encouraged.

Registration Fees

Registration fees range from 40€ in the First Stage Registration to 90€ in the Final Stage Registration.


Aug. 25th – Launch of the Competition
Aug. 25th – Sep. 24th – First Stage Registration - 40€
Sep. 25th – Nov. 4th – Second Stage Registration - 60€
Nov. 5th – Nov. 27th – Final Stage Registration - 90€
Nov. 27th – Final Date For Project Submission
Dec. 15th – Winners Announcement
For more information please visit website