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Max Colson creates ’’visual control’’ images within contemporary urban space
United Kingdom Architecture News - Jul 07, 2015 - 11:58 6383 views
all images © Max Colson
Images of Enjoyment and Spectacle
British photographer Max Colson creates visual control images for urban environments, which are nominally public, but owned and managed by commercial entities.The artist's exhibition is presented at RIBA titled ''Visual Control-Security and The Urban Imagination'' between the dates July 9 2015 -August 25 2015.
Playfully walking between urban facts and fictions, this exhibition by artist/photographer Max Colson presents a series of investigations on controlled urban areas. The focus is privatised public space – urban environments which are nominally public, but owned and managed by commercial entities. The images on display explore how carefully camouflaged surveillance technology is used to monitor these areas, and, potentially, to manipulate behaviour. Other parts of the exhibition look at how these spaces are marketed and present an idealized version of urban environments.
Whether documenting the networks of sensors designed to 'track' suspect individuals or exploring how plants are used to disguise security architecture, this exhibition suggests how paranoia intrudes upon the urban imagination.
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