factoreef is a proposal for a boat factory in the mediterranean cres, designed by architecture students Julcsi Futo, Bika Rebek and Stefan Ritter.
They are currently enrolled at Studio Lynn, an architecture course run by American architect Greg Lynn at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna

visit the project blog for further information: http://www.boat-rip.blogspot.com/

This project is a large scale smoothly undulating roof held by an intricate steel truss structure.
It covers a single space partitioned only by structural elements.
The promenade on the roof creates an attractive public ground for the touristic town cres.
Visitors get glimpses of the production happening inside and arrive to the see.


We were interested in the contrasts of the dense interior versus the vast exterior space of the boat,
and the soft sail towards the rigid body. The main contrast we want to work with is the way the hard
boat hull rips the mellow waves as it hits the water.
The aesthetic reference is the clean slick surface of the boat opposed to the barnacle like structure that is fine grained and intricate.

After analyzing various coastline typolologies we worked with the archipelago, which consist of a multitude of piers, canals, ponds and islands.
The promenade on the roof creates an attractive public ground for the touristic town cres. visitors get glimpses of the production happening inside.

The layout of the plan is open, it facilitates efficient transportation ways of the boats from one machine to the other.
Tooling areas for the hull fabrication and finishing procedures that require separate spaces are detached in an enclosed
stripe in the north, while the building opens up to the south, towards the sea.

Cool air is provided by pipes running in the foundation. It is blown out from the lower part of the columns,
where the openings stretching inwards support the air emission. The cool air circulates through the building,
as it heats up it is exhausted through the upper part of the column which has then reversed openings.

The whole structure is visible from the inside creating a dense atmospheric view.
From the outside the monocoque roof only bursts into openings where the columns pierce through it.



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