20 Must-Read Architecture Books Released On WA Books
0 Must-Read Architecture Books Released On WA Books" src="https://worldarchitecture.org/cdnimgfiles/extuploadb/wabooks.jpg" >
World Architecture Community has just released its top 20 must-read books on World Architecture Community's Books page, which has recently been printed or soon will be released. The 20 selected books consist of architecture books published in the last 3 months or the books that will be printed until the end of this year.
Even more importantly, this list is not just comprised of the publications of architecture itself, but also consists of other interdisciplinary fields that are already in the essence of architecture like art, photography, professionalism, history, cross-cultural movements, displacements, movements, climate, studio monographs, workplaces etc..
OMA Partner Reinier de Graaf’s book "Four Walls and a Roof" reinterrogating "Professionalism" in architecture, Winy Maas' upcoming book "Housing Beyond Uniformity", aiming to escape from standardised housing formats in Hong Kong, Canadian firm Patkau Architects' "Patkau Architects: Material Operations" exploring materialistic philosophy of the firm over built examples and last but not least, Zaha Hadid Architects' new and the first book "Zaha Hadid Architects: Redefining Architecture and Design" published on Zaha Hadid since her death in 2016 are presented in this provocative reading list.
Enjoy and select your winter readings!