After completing my Bachelor’s of architecture from India, I joined India’s first green building consultancy firm "Environmental Design Solution" where I worked for more than a solid year as a Green building analyst. As an Analyst, I was responsible to execute sustainable design, day lighting, energy
efficiency, green building certification and building simulation in various competitions and commercial interior projects. I am also USGBC LEED Green Associate and now pursuing master’s in science from Technical University Munich. The master’s degree used for highly specialized scientific deepening and expansion in the area of energy-efficient and climate-friendly planning and construction, the building climatology and related architectural design quality.
The focus is on "do more with less can": ClimaDesign has the goal of developing buildings that offer maximum comfort with minimum energy. In the planning of buildings, the complexity has been increasing steadily since the end of the 20th century. Political and legal requirements to optimize energy efficiency, greater use of renewable energies, but also social requirements for climate and resource protection shape today’s construction industry. This requires interdisciplinary engineers educated in the field of sustainable construction, so that they can act as interfaces between the disciplines involved in the construction. In order to achieve these policies, thinking and working methods of the other disciplines must be familiar.


Guru Nanak Dev University


38 buildings

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Projects by Daksh Talwar

Feb 07, 2016 - 02:41 • 14983 Academic