Sustainable Architecture at NTNU (Trondheim-Norway), final project: "Climate Center at Brøset", with Per Monsen (architecture), Matthias Haase (energy) and Stig Larssæther (society).Master in Architecture at the ETSAV-UPV (Valencia-Spain), final project at NTNU / ETSAV: "Hotel and Conference Center at Brattøra", with Fredrik Shetelig and Jose Mª Lozano.Specialization in Landscape Architecture in Vienna (BOKU-TU) with Helmut Richter, Helene Jourda, Peter Cook amongst others.International workshop IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land at Cottbus with Dieter Bankert (Bauhaus).


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Projects by Coral Albelda

Jul 24, 2008 - 18:08 • 9549