Witiya Pittungnapoo is an assistant professor in Faculty of Architecture, Naresuan University in Thailand. She has worked on flooding adaptations for cultural landscapes preservation in the Lower Northern Region in Thailand over a decade. Being a country reporter will provide her with an opportunity to share Thais’ local wisdom for flood resilient approaches by encouraging planners and designers to concern more on climate change for their own cultural heritage preservation.

Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture
Faculty of Architecture, Naresuan University
Phitsanulok Province, 65000, Thailand
Fax: (66) 55962554, Phone: (66) 55962492
Mobile: (66) 956313563, Email: [email protected]
D.O.B: 27 April 1976
Education Qualifications:
Ph.D., Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield, 18.05.2009
M.Sc., Urban Environmental Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, 07.08.2003
B.Arch., Architecture, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 23.03.2000.

Scholarship Awards:

¦ King Bhumibol ADULYADEJ Scholarship 1998-2000 (Excellent Academic and Good Behaviour Award,
Chulalongkorn University)
¦ The Royal Thai Government, 2001-2003 (Master)
¦ The Royal Thai Government, 2003-2007 (Ph.D.)


¦ THAI AWARD 2015, Good Person Merit-Making for Thailand in Academic Service, awarded by Thai Award Organisations.
¦ ASAIHL-Thailand Award 2013, a young lecturer of Social Sciences Cluster, awarded by the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning
¦ CDAST AWARD 2013, a young scholar in Town and Community Design, awarded by the Council of Deans of Architecture Schools of Thailand
¦ The Excellent Practice on Dialogue (Developing service minded architecture students for helping disable on toilet building), 23rd University Knowledge Management (UKM) 2013, awarded by the UKM
¦ The second prize award for good practices on learning innovation, granted by Knowledge Management Center of Rajamangala University of Technology Network in 2013 (RMUTKM+2)
¦ The best performance of Architecture Lecturer, awarded by Faculty of Architecture, Naresuan University in 2012
¦ The second prize award for the excellent lecturer, awarded by General Educations at Naresuan University in 2011
¦ The first prize award for excellent teaching team manager, awarded by General Educations at Naresuan University in 2011.

Academic Affiliation:
28.11.2015 – Current: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Naresuan University
19.07.2000 – Current: Lecturer in Town Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Naresuan University
1.04.2012 – 17.03.2015: Deputy Director on Research and Academic Services, School of Logistics
and Supply Chain, Naresuan University

Expert / Areas of Interests:
¦ Water-based Architecture, Wetland Architecture
¦ Water-based Cultural Landscape, Cultural Heritage Planning and Management
¦ Flooding risk management, Flooding Adaptation, Flood Resilience Strategy
¦ Urbanisation impacts on water-based settlements, Environmental planning and management

Teaching courses:
¦ Architectural courses: Design Studio, Water-based Architecture/ Wetland Architecture Design, Vernacular Architecture, Site Planning and Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Community Design
¦ Graduate courses: Urban Development Planning, Built Environmental Design, Urban and Rural Planning and Hazard Mapping

2015: Pittungnapoo W. (2015). Learning records for changing graduates. Phitsanulok: Kanpimdotcom, ISBN 978-616-382-414-1. (In Thai).
2013: Pittungnapoo W. (2013). Architects who follow working principles of the King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Printed by The Institute of Health Promotion for People with Disability, Ministry of Public Health. ISBN 978-974-299-200-2. (In Thai).
2012: Pittungnapoo W. (2012). Wet Cultural Landscape at Bangrakam, Phitsanulok: Kanpimdotcom. ISBN 978-974-7531-84-8. (In Thai).
Pittungnapoo W. (2012). “Hybrid forms of living Bangrakam, Phitsanulok, Thailand’’. Paper presented at the Urban Water 2012: the 1st International Conference on the Design Construction, Maintenance, Monitoring and Control of Urban Water Systems, 25-27 April 2012, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK. Published In: Mambretti, S. and Brebbia, C. A. 2012. (ed.) WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol. 122. pp. 239-248. UK: WIT Press. ISSN 1743-3509 [Online publication] available at http://www.witpress.com/books/978-1-84564-576-2
Pittungnapoo W. (2012). “The urban sprawl of Bangkok Metropolitan Region and its impacts”. Published In: Zanni, F. 2012. (ed.) Urban Hybridization. pp. 355-368. ISBN 978-88-387-6132-9. Milan: da Digital Print Service s.r.l.
2011: Pittungnapoo W. (2011). Wet Architecture, Phitsanulok: Phitsanulok Printing. ISBN 978-616-7322-35-5. (In Thai).

Proceedings and Academic Publications.
¦ Architecture, Planning, and Cultural Landscape Issues:
-Pittungnapoo, W. (2019). Water-based cultural landscapes: Adaptations to survive against flooding. Presented in the 1st Regional Workshop on Flood resilient planning strategies for cultural heritage in Southeast Asia, 9-11 January 2019, Bangkok in Thailand. Under the support of Newton Fund [British Council and the Thailand Research Fund]. Host by the Naresuan University: Thailand, the CRUS: Vietnam, and the University of Lincoln: UK.
-Pittungnapoo W. and Catalani A. (2018). ‘Preserving traditional water-based settlements in the Lower Northern Region of Thailand’ Oral Presentation at the Seminar on Adapting to the impacts of climate change: An international perspective for management and preservation of cultural heritage. 5 December 2018, University of Lincoln, UK
-Pittungnapoo W. and Catalani A. (2017). ‘Heritage, Flooding, and Sense of Place’. Presentation paper in the 8th International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies (Abstract accepted).
-Pittungnapoo W. and Catalani A. (2017).’’Heritage, flooding and sense of place’’. Seminar: Adapting to the impacts of climate change: An international perspective for management and preservation of cultural heritage, 11 July 2017 University of Lincoln, United Kingdom.
-Pittungnapoo, W. and Catalani, A. (2017).’’Housing Adaptations to Flooding in The lower north region of Thailand: Preservation of water-based cultural landscape.’’ Seminar: Adapting to the impacts of climate change: An international perspective for management and preservation of cultural heritage, 11 July 2017 University of Lincoln, United Kingdom.
-Catalani A. and Pittungnapoo W. (2017). Heritage at risk of flooding, tourism and resilient communities: The case of Ayutthaya, Thailand. Oral presentation in the 4th Tourism in Southern and Eastern Conference (TOSEE 2017) on Tourism and Creative Industries: Trend and Challenges in Opatija, Croatia, 3-6 May, 2017.
-Pittungnapoo W. and Catalani A. (2016). ‘’Flooding adaptation and cultural landscape of Ban Pakklong in Bangrakam, Thailand: an application of indigenous, traditional knowledge to flood risk management’’. In Proceeding of the 5th ACLA International Symposium: Sacred Sites, Cultural Landscapes, and Harmonising the World of Asia. Wiang Lakorn Hotel, Lampang, Thailand, 2-5 December 2016. Lampang: Lampang Rajabhat University, pp.219-228.
-Catalani A. and Pittungnapoo, W. (2016). Heritage at risk of flooding and resilient communities. Paper presentation in: Association of Critical Heritage Studies UK Chapter Symposium, Cornwall, United Kingdom, 11th July 2016.
-Pittungnapoo W. (2016). ‘’Water based cultural landscapes traditional settlements of Ban Kong and Ban Pakklong, Thailand’’. Context: Built, Living, and Natural. Special Issue on Asia and Urban Heritage Vol XII, 2016. Journal of the Development and Research Organisation for Nature, Arts, and Heritage (DRONAH). pp. 43-50. ISSN: 0973502X.
-Pittungnapoo W. (2015). ‘’Water-based Cultural Landscape Values and Disaster Risk Management of Ban Pak Klong in Bangrakam Sub-district, Phitsanulok Province, Thailand’’. In Proceeding of UNESCO Chair Programme on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management, International Training Course (ITC) on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage Ritsumeikan University. 2015. 10th Year 2015, Kyoto, Kobe and Minami Sanriku-Cho, Japan, 12th to 28th September 2015. pp. 46-49.
-Pittungnapoo W. (2014). "Cultural Flow along Silk Road: A Traditional Logistics Connectivity between Thailand and China. Oral presentation in The 3rd International Culture Industry Summit (2014 ICIS). Organised by Asia-Pacific CEO Association Worldwide, 10 October 2014, Lanzhou, Gansu, China.
-Pittungnapoo W. (2013). "Urbanisation Impacts on Cultural Landscape Components: A Case Study of Phaikhornam, Phitsanulok, Thailand". In: Proceeding of Asian Cultural Landscape Association, Paper presented in the 1st ACLA International Symposium on Meaning & Aesthetics in Asian Cultural Landscape, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, 12-14 October 2013. pp. 83-88.
-Pittungnapoo W. (2013). "Cultural Landscape Management in Phaikhornam Community, Phitsanulok, Thailand". Paper presented in the 2nd International Culture Industry Summit (2013 ICIS), Organised by Asia-Pacific CEO Association (APCEO), Lanzhou, Gansu, China. 7-9 September 2013.
-Pittungnapoo W. (2013). "Cultural Landscape Management of Phaikhornam Community". Presented paper in Academic Conference on 7 Decades of the Nan River: A City of Forest, Water, and People, University of Technology Lanna, Nan, Thailand. 17-19 January 2013. pp.53 (In Thai).
-Pittungnapoo W. (2013). "Resilient Forms of Living with Flooding: A case Study of Bangrakam, Phitsanulok, Thailand’’. The Hybrid_ Link, Issue 02, September 2013. Urban Hybridization - Prospettive ibride sul progetto contemporaneo, ISSN:2039-4608 Open access journal
http://www.urbanhybridization.net. http://www.urbanhybridization.net/02Pittungapoo.pdf
-Pittungnapoo W., et al. (2013). "Factors affect decisions on Bicycle Use for Bike users in Thailand’’. Paper presented in the 1st I Bike I walk Forum, Thai Health Promotion Foundation. Bangkok, Thailand. 29 March 2013. (In Thai).
-Pittungnapoo W. (2012). “Collaboration across Multidisciplines a Challenge for Dealing with Impacts of the University Town: A Case Study of Naresuan University’’. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Development, IMPACT Exhibition Center, Muang Thong Tani, Bangkok, Thailand, 31 May - 1 June 2012. IJCIM. Vol. 20, No.3, September-December 2012. pp.40-43.
-Pittungnapoo W. (2012). “Adaptability of Domestic Spaces to Flooding: A Case Study of Bangrakam Sub-district, Phitsanulok, Thailand”. In: Proceeding of the Third International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries (ICCIDC-III) on Advancing Civil, Architectural and Construction Engineering & Management, Millennium Hilton, Bangkok, Thailand, 4-6 July 2012. pp. 725-728.
-Pittungnapoo W. (2012). "Future housing types for dealing with flooding (part 2)". Journal of Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning, Issue 38/2555, ISSN, 1685-7127, pp. 38-46. (In Thai)
-Pittungnapoo W. (2012). "Future housing types for dealing with flooding (part 1)". Journal of Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning, Issue 37/2555, ISSN, 1685-7127, pp. 28-34. (In Thai)
-Pittungnapoo W. (2011). “A study of street furniture for supporting traffic safety on university campus: a study of Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand’’. Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Welfare Foundation. Vol. 15. 2009, pp. 61-64.
-Pittungnapoo W. (2011). "Environmental integrated design for people with disabilities". In: Proceedings of the 3rd National Academic Seminar on People with Disabilities on Inclusive Society, Miracle Grand Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. 12 September 2011. pp. 143-151. (In Thai).
-Pittungnapoo W. (2011). “Street furniture for supporting traffic safety on university campuses: a case study of Naresuan University’’. In: Proceeding of the International Conference on Sciences and Social Sciences 2011: Sustainable Development (ICSSS), Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand, 21-22 July 2011. pp. 435-441.
-Pittungnapoo W. (2011). “Limitations of environmental management in university towns: a case of Naresuan University". In: Proceeding of the International Conference on Sciences and Social Sciences 2011: Sustainable Development (ICSSS), Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand, 21-22 July 2011. pp. 368-374. (In Thai).
-Pittungnapoo W. (2010). “The urban sprawl of Bangkok Metropolitan Region and its impacts". Paper presented online at the International Web Conference on Urban Hybridization: Process and Strategies in Contemporary Territories. Politecnic di Milano, Milan, Italy, 15-16 April 2010, [Online publication] available at http://www.urbanhybridization.net/WitiyaPittungnapoo.html.
-Pittungnapoo, W. (2010). “How to sustain water-based tradition against the urbanisation in Bangkok Metropolitan Region: A case study of Klong Om settlement”. In: Proceeding of the 6th Naresuan Research Conference on Sustainable Ways of Living Based on a Sufficiency Economy, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand, 30 July 2010. pp. 282-287.
-Pittungnapoo W. (2010). “Impacts of urbanisation on changes in community ties in water-based settlements: A comparative case study of Klong Bangkok Noi and Klong Om settlements’’. In: Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Community Development (CSCD), Khon Kaen University, Nong Khai Campus, Thailand, 21-23 January 2010. pp.61-64.
-Pittungnapoo W. (2009). “Impacts of urbanisation on changes in domestic spaces in water-based settlements: A comparative case study of Klong Bangkok Noi and Klong Om settlements”. In Proceeding of the 4th International Symposium on Architecture and Culture in Suvannabhumi (ISACS) on Integrating Diversity, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2-4 December 2009. pp.7.3 (1-7).
-Pittungnapoo W. (2009). “Impacts of urbanisation and the survive of water-based culture in Bangkok Metropolitan Region: A comparative case study of Klong Bangkok Noi and Klong Om settlements”. In Proceeding of the 1st National Conference on Strengthened Communities, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand, 3 September 2009. pp.247-254.


Naresuan University


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