We are two Urban Designers (Cand. Polyt. Urban Design) that has established a Urban Design company located in Stavanger, Norway June 2009. Our future plan for the company is to specialise in city development in developing countries with main focus on slum upgrading projects.
We have already a wide knowledge about the national slum upgrading programs in Thailand and Brazil. We have the last year worked with a slum upgrading project in Bangkok that has given us experience about the process of slum upgrading, we have investigated the exact needs of the slum dwellers in that specific area, and we have read a wide range of theoretical material about the challenges concerning slum in megacities. We also have a solid foundation about theories that are related to problems in low income areas, globalisation and urbanisation.
We are not able at this moment to develop a slum upgrading project on our own, but we think that larger companies, governments or other private organisations could benefit from having us on their team. We are not committed to stay permanent in Norway at this time, and are open to discuss different ways of collaborations with different parts.
Please contact us for more information!
LÉVA Urban Design AS
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