Prof. Daniel A. Walser, studied architecture at the ETH Zurich and the Sapienza in Rome. On graduating in 1998, he worked as assistant to Professor Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani (History of Urban Planning) at the ETH in Zurich. From 1999 to 2004 he worked as a research assistant on the degree course in building and design at the University of Applied Sciences HTW in Chur.

He teaches architecture history, architecture theory and urban planning. Between 2005 and 2009 he led the faculty of architecture at the HTW Chur. In 2006 he was involved in establishing the Chur Institute of Architecture, a new faculty of architecture on a master level in Switzerland till 2009. Besides teaching, since 2010 his focus is architecture research. Such projects include the exhibition for the HTW Chur at the «Langer Samstag» (2012) with the title «City mountain, Mountain Agglomeration. Building Culture in Graubünden» (2012) and the exhibition «If Attitudes Forms Space. Young Architecture from Graubünden» (2013). 2013 appointed as professor at HTW Chur.

Daniel A. Walser attaches great importance to his freelance work as a critic, in which he focuses on the relationship of tension between architecture, site and art in Alpine areas. He worked on the architecture of Bruno Giacometti (1907-2012) and also completed a piece of research on the architectural interventions and buildings of the architect Rudolf Olgiati (1910-95) and Pfleghard & Haefeli in Uzwil (1898-1912). Daniel A. Walser received in 2007 the Swiss Art Award for Architecture Education and received in 2009 a study grant at the Nairs Contemporary Art Centre in Scuol. Daniel A. Walser lives and works in Chur and Zurich.

Publications (selection)
Olgiatis Arche steht in einem Meer aus Korkbiumen. Der Flimser Architekt Valerio Olgiati hat sich in Portugal ein Anwesen errichtet. Die letztes Jahr fertiggestellte Villa Além liegt abgelegen auf einer Kuppe in einer traumhaften Hügellandschaft inmitten von Korkwildern, in: Die Südostschweiz, Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2015, p.18.
Haptisches Fabrikgebiude als erratischer Block - Das Ricola-Kreuterzentrum in Laufen, in: Detail, Nr. 9, September 2014, p.852-854.
«sinergia» - mit vereinten Kriften verwalten. Ein neues Zentrum für die kantonale Verwaltung, in: Tec21, Nr. 35, 29. August 2014, p.8-10.
Riumliche Strukturen. Junge Architektur in Graubünden, in: Graubünden Exklusiv, 48, Winter 2013/14, p.28-33.
In der Dorfgemeinschaft. Wohnsiedlung 55+ in Bonaduz GR, in: Werk, bauen +wohnen, Nr. 5, 2013, p.52-53.
Architektur als spezifischer Denk-, Handlungs- und Aktionsraum. Rege Prisenz der Bündner Architekten an der Architekturbiennale in Venedig, in: Bündner Monatsblatt, Chur, No. 4, 2012, p.451-462.
Das gestapelte Einfamilienhaus. Wohnungsbau »Quellengarten« in Rheinfelden, Deutsche Bauzeitung, Heft 1, January 2012, p.26-31.
The Power of Building Tradition, cd-rom, in: Book of Abstracts and cd of Papers, 1st International Meeting EAHN. European Architecture History Network, Guimarães, Portugal, June 17-20, 2010.
International verflochten. Entwicklungstendenzen von Bruno Giacomettis Architektur im Internationalen Kontext , in: Bruno Giacometti. Architekt, Verlag Bündner Monatsblatt , Chur 2008, p.128-141.
‘Wohnen und Arbeiten an einem Ort der Sinne. Das neue Atelier- und Wohngebiude von Peter Zumthor in Haldenstein’, in: Bündner Monatsblatt. Zeitschrift für Bündner Geschichte, Landeskunde und Baukultur, Nr. 4/2005, p.394-402.
‘Markanter Eingriff oder regionale Verbauung?’, in: Archithese, No. 3, 2005, S.52-57.
Kunst im Un-Privaten / Roentgenraum, Herausgeber: Peter Stohler, Carole Klopfenstein, Daniel Walser, Edition Fink, Zürich 2004.

Editorial work (selection)
Valerio Olgiati, in: World Architecture, Daniel Walser, issue editor, Beijing, No 8 / August 2012.
Recent buildings in the Grisons, in: World Architecture, Daniel Walser, issue editor, Peking, No 4 / April 2007.
Rudolf Olgiati. Bauen mit den Sinnen, Ursula Riederer, HTW Chur Verlag, Chur 2004.
World Architecture 1900-2000. A Critical Mosaic: Volume 4 The Mediterranean Basin, editor Kenneth Frampton, Zhang Qinnan, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, associate editor Daniel Walser, Springer Verlag Wien New York, 2002.


ETH Zurich


2 buildings

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