Elena is one of the directors of Tsolakis Architects, based in Cyprus. Previously she has worked at Dixon Jones in London and J&A Philippou in Cyprus. Elena completed her Part 3 at Westminster University, her Graduate Diploma in Architecture at Kingston University and her Bachelor of Planning & Design in Architecture from the University of Melbourne in Australia.

Elena sits on RIBAs governing council and is a trustee of RIBA Trust, she also sits on the committee Architects for Change which is the RIBAs forum on equality and diversity issues for members. She is on the executive committee of Archaos, the national architecture student association in the UK.

Elena received the British Institution Award for an architectural model exhibited in the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2009 and she has collaborated with artist Alana Jelinek on the images presented at the Whitechapel Gallery in London in 2006. Elena also collaborates with other graduates and architects under the group TENT


Kyriakos Tsolakis Architects

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