Doris Kowaltowski is an architect. She graduated with honours from the University of Melbourne in Australia. She obtained her Masters of Architecture and her PhD in Architecture from the University of California in Berkeley. In 1997 she defended her Free-Docent Degree in Architecture at UNICAMP {Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil}, where she has been a Faculty Member since 1989. She teaches in both the Civil Engineering and the Architecture Courses in Design disciplines. In the Graduate program she advises in the Building Design and Architecture Program. Until April 2006 she was the Associate Director of the School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Design {FEC} and for four years she was the Coordinator of the Architecture Course. She has developed several research projects in the areas of: building design and environmental comfort, humanization of architecture, design methods, CAD and its influence on the creative process as well as design assistance for social interest. The major concerns in her recent studies are the architectural design process, quality of life issues in the built environment, bioclimatic architecture and sustainability in design. A recent Coorperation with the University of Pittsburgh School of Engineering, in sustainability asan IGERT-NSF grant is underway.
Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, arquitetura e Urbanismo Universidade estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP
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