Janos Tiba, born in 1971 in Hungary, belongs to the young generation of Hungarian architects who were trained in strong international environment.
Previously he was associate director for Erick van Egeraat associated architects and worked in Rotterdam, Budapest and Prague. With this practice he delivered and contributed to a number of buildings that gained professional recognition
In his own practice since 2006 he is working with a young, but experienced creative team. The dynamically growing team developed its abilities to combine tradition and innovation finding the most suitable answers for the new architectural, environmental, economical challenges of present and future days, while being capable to achieve the right balance between professional design, sustainable developments and business aspects.
Presently the Studio leads the design development of significant new landmarks of the city of Budapest as well as master planning projects offering successful urban and business concepts…


TIBA Architect Studio

1 buildings

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Projects by Janos Tiba

Jan 08, 2010 - 18:15 • 4909 Winner

Favorited Projects (1)

Jan 08, 2010 - 18:15 • 4909 Winner