Professor of Architecture. Taught, lectured and conducted research in Egypt,Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and the United States. Consulting work with the U.S. Department of State, U.S. AID,HUD,FCH,RDC,the World Bank and the government of Saudi Arabia. Speaker at Conferences and Guest Lecturer at Seminars with the American Planning Association, the American Institute of Architects, the American Collegiate Schools of Architecture, the Middle East Institute, Islam Centennial Fourteen, the Smithsonian Resident Associates Program and the Heritage of Islam Lecture Series. Publications include: "A Compilation of Resources with Islamic World Implications", "Madina Master Plan Project: Madina Central Area Upgrading/Rehabilitation", Al-Madina Al-Munawwara, Saudi Arabia: A Case Study", "Housing and Community Upgrading for Low-Income Egyptians" and "Cairo Between Now and the Year 2000: Making Cairo Visible".


Howard University


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