ARTOTEC AB designs, develops, manufactures and markets playful, recreational sculptures and street furniture accessible, solid and durable, easy to use and easy to install.
Attractive equipment for relaxing environments, playground spaces and semi-sports activities for all ages.

ARTOTEC [ Art & Technology ] is a company that combines artistic and innovative technology to the service of local authorities, contractors, architectural firms, landscape designers and creator of urban spaces.
Research & Development (R&D)

ARTOTEC [ Art & Technology ] is an organization that is interdisciplinary by bringing together experts from different fields of technology, science and art to promote the creation of innovative equipment for playgrounds and public spaces. Street furniture developed for both young and older users and as well as for people with physical or intellectual disability, with partial or total blindness.

ARTOTEC [ Art & Technology ] offers a range of products recognized as artistic, aesthetic, original, educational, unique and durable, modern, colorful and of the highest quality to create playgrounds and user friendly public spaces for all kinds of environment and activities, accessible to all.

ARTOTEC develops its expertise in three key areas :

To innovate and create an artistic identity, playful, educational, user friendly and accessible to all.
To ensure the safety, reliability, quality, efficiency and performance of our equipment and services.
To respect the environment.

ARTOTEC a quality label!

High quality product and finish.
Very robust and durable product thanks to a carefully selected choice of materials using organic design.
Our product range has been specially developed and tested according to the concept of Universal Design guidelines.
The reports on the use and accessibility of our equipment are available on our website and published on the website of the community organization The Swedish Institute of Assistive Technology (SIAT).

Our dedicated work and studies, Research and Development (R&D) has been recognized and rewarded by the Foundation Norrbacka-Eugeniastiftelsen.


ARTOTEC International ~ Children´s Playground with Art & Technology


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