Frei + Saarinen Architekten is a practice based in Zuerich, Switzerland.The ideas behind our architecture can be explained by a description of our working method which is based on a simultaneous regard to the design process from four different points of view: Design as SCIENCE: A scientific approach means to visualize all determining factors of a specific design task in order to identify the range of possible solutions. Every promising point of departure is discussed without prejudice. Output: Multiple, clearly distiguishable “models”. Every model stands for one specific quality, e.g. “Maximum compactness”, “Maximum dispersion”, “As cheap as possible”, “As many terraces as possible”, etc. Design as DIALOGUE: Architectural design is a collective process. An intense dialogue with our client is our main inspiration, because his/her personal {and sometimes unusual} ideas about architecture force us to leave beaten tracks. Output: Selection of one or two models that is/are going to be developed further.Design as TRANSLATION: This means to turn an abstract concept into specific form and vice versa. This process is not linear but highly iterative. Concretion {from idea to form} leads to new design, abstraction {from form back to conceptual scheme} leads to new ideas. Output: Coherence between idea and form. Design as CULTURAL PHENOMENON: As we regard architecture as an independent artform, we have to ask ourselves what it should stand for. Output: Design as a cultural statement


Frei + Saarinen Architekten

Building Construction

1 buildings

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Projects by Martin Saarinen

May 19, 2008 - 18:21 • 6441