Our design philosophy distinguishes between buildings that are merely built, and buildings that are lived in. With those ideals in mind, Zoffoli Architects has made a commitment to advancing the way the world designs, builds and uses its buildings.
We believe in working closely with our clients to meet their individual design goals. We emphasize a personalized approach to the design process, meticulous attention to detail and quality, and professionalism and integrity in our office procedures and standards.

Our experience specially in the areas of retail and interior design , provides our clients with the leadership they need to guide them through the many decisions and details to be considered.

Good designs means quality and means value.
Good design is simple, clean, practical, cost effective, unique, exciting, fun and comfortable. Practical no nonsense good design is elegant, refined, detailed, understated and timeless.


zoffoli architecture


1 buildings

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Projects by Marcelo Lopez

Jun 27, 2008 - 21:04 • 10376