Patrizia Di Monte architect by IUAV Venice, master and PHD at ETSAB, Town Planning, and Social Architecture professor at the ETSA-USJ and Ignacio Grávalos, architect by ETSA Barcelona, Architectural Graphic Expression and both Social Architecture professors and International mobility coordinators at the ETSAZ-USJ; founded gravalosdimonte architects in 1998. They are carrying on cultural projects, covering art and architecture, urban regeneration strategies, landscaping, participative architecture, sustainable urbanism and creativity. They are the estonoesunsolar programme masterminds.Awards: Eurocities’11 Planning for People; Innovazione e Qualitá Urbana’10; SAIE Selection’12 Urban regeneration and development; winner II Biennale Spazio Pubblico cittá Sociale; winner LLGA Cities Pilot The future; mention XI Bienal Española y Urbanismo – Investigation; finalist FAD 11, landscape.



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