Graduated from Middle East Technical University (METU), Deparment of Architecture in 2009. Started her master in Architectural Design Programme in Istanbul Technical University. Besides working in different scale projects in different architecturral offices, she won prizes in both national and international architectural competitions. She worked as a part-time instructor for Sakarya University, architectural design studio between 2017-2019. She also attends juries in architecture faculities as a guest member in other universities. She continues her architectural practice in her firm do[x]architecture, founded in 2016.

2023 – Konya Climate Museum Invited Project 1st Prize
2020 – Bakırkoy Incirli Square, Marketplace and Transportation Hub Design Project Istanbul Invited Competition (w/Ergun Architecture) 1st Prize
2016 – Cekirge Square Urban Design Competition Bursa 2nd Prize


Middle East Technical University


2 buildings

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Projects by dicle b. ozdemir

Interior Design
Aug 10, 2023 - 09:36 • 555
Interior Design
Aug 10, 2023 - 09:19 • 1758
Interior Design
Aug 10, 2023 - 09:09 • 531
Interior Design
Aug 10, 2023 - 08:50 • 543