Antonio Caperna, MA, PhD, PGCert., PGDip.
Bachelor in Architecture and MAr in Urban History and Urban Planning.
PhD in Sustainable Urban Planning analyzing the changing driven by Information Communication Technology (ICT) into urban environment and how ICTs can support sustainable development.
He partecipated, as guest lecturer, at prestigious Universities (Cornell University, Nôtre Dame, St. Lucas School of Architecture, Bauhaus Universität Weimar) and at UIA World Congress (Turin, Italy, 2008).
Actually Hes Senior Lecturer at postgraduate International Master program in Interactive, Sustainable Design and Multimedia and academic member of Meta-University team’s group


University "Federico II" of Naples


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News Articles by antonio caperna (2)

Dec 31, 2011 - 11:49 • 8,391
May 03, 2010 - 10:22 • 11,371