Tamer Kizilagac is an architect operating between Istanbul and London. He is a specialist in the furniture design manufacturing process and over 7 years has built up close relationships with many suppliers and manufacturers in both the UK and Turkey. Always a very hands on architect Tamer has an instinctive understanding of how materials can be cut, shaped and finished into beautiful designs and end product.Tamer specializing in design of modern, effective and efficient buildings. He also has paid particular attention to innovative, yet efficient and economically viable design alternatives, considering the uniqueness of the place and the individuality of requirements. DESIGN APPROACH • Our work is driven by a belief that our surroundings influence the quality of our lives: whether in a work place, educational institution, at home or in the public realm. This emphasis on the social dimensions of the built environment are fundamental to our design approach which acknowledges that architecture is generate by the needs of a community of people. • We strive to uncover design opportunities at both the large and small scale. • Our design process taps into the essential qualities of a site and its inherent cultural and social dynamic, and we celebrate opportunities to integrate them in every project. • Marrying architecture with light is a hallmark of our work; this is both a sustainability strategy as well as an aesthetically inspiring one. • We are keenly aware of a client’s financial considerations and work hard to develop schedule and budget control systems with clear phasing and deliverables. We know that inspiring and expressive design, at any scale and budget, can emerge through a thoughtful, rigorous, and collaborative process.


Istanbul Technical University

Building Construction

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