Interior Design{B.A}, Architecture{M.A.}.

The God created the earth, water, mountains and trees, and Human being with thineer skin and taylors to weave the second skin of human being, and architects to design the third skin of the human being.

I am an Iranian architect. Designer of the third skin of humans. I completed my education in USA and Iran. I have experienced architecture, more than thirty years. It seems I must experiene it some more years. Experience in architecture can not be finished.
I am glad to have experience of designing huge residential buildings for poor people and luxurious villas for the rich ones. In a way that the poors were satisfied in their complexes and the rich ones were happy to live in teire luxurious buildings.

My country Iran, had wonderful and logical architecture. But now our architecure has been rouned by modern international architecture attack. Now, achieving modern folklore and local architecture is the most important challenge in front of us


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