Bouzid BOUDIAF graduated in architecture from the Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme d’Alger ( E.P.A.U.), in 1984 with first class honors. After one year in professional practice in the headquarter of housing in Algiers, he accepted a post - graduate research grant from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research that enabled him to study at Heriot - Watt University, Edinburgh. He has a degree of master of science in urban - design and a Ph.D in Architectural Design from the University of Wolverhampton. He was the course director at the E.P.A.U. In 1996, he was designated by the ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to coordinate the pedagogical programs of technology and architecture. He taught at the I.T.T.P.B ( Institute of Technology in Civic Public Buildings) and was a visiting Associate Professor at the Institute of Town and Regional Planning at the University of Sciences and Technology ( U.S.T.H.B.), Bab- Ezzouar. He is an associate researcher at the laboratory of town planning( LGAT: Laboratory of Geography and Town Planning) at the U.S.T.H.B. He published many articles and chapters’ books dealing particularly with architectural training, housing, heritage and urban - design. In 2005, he joined Ajman University of Science and Technology as a senior Lecturer in architecture and Urban Design.He is now working on two books, the first one is a structured as a text book for students in architecture and the second is Towards a sustainable Environment: the challenges of the new urbanism.
Ph.D from university of Wolverhampton
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