Greetings!As the literary metaphor, most works of architecture are made with technical and conceptual metaphors which combine to become an architectural metaphor. I’d like to offer some of my 45 years of research for possible publication, discussion and application. “Architecture: the making of metaphors”.Your invitation would be welcome.www.bariefez-barringten.comBuildings are the products of programming, design and constructionYou can look at the profession of architecture as the process or product. Architecture: the making of metaphors is concerned primarily with the process.Buildings seen by users, public and scholars are incidental and as beauty in the eyes of the beholder. As anything in the landscape can be received as a metaphor and perceived metaphorically. But primarily they are the result of a metaphoric process and as such are metaphors; perceived or not. How is architecture: the making of metaphors changing everything about architecture as we know it from the way it was practiced before?Why architecture: the making of metaphors fills a need. It declares that: •Read: in order to be read buildings must be authored and readers made literate•Art: Involving craft and technique architecture is an art; whether read or not is ever-present in our environment and constitutes our context•Aesthetic: whether read, authored or artful building’s aesthetic must be appreciated by beholder. •Function: Aesthetic, artful, unread or un-authored if it doesn’t shelter to its peculiar demand the work is irrelevant and abandoned. Researched Publications: Refereed and Peer-reviewed Journals:Barie Fez-Barringten; "monographs":1. "Architecture the making of metaphors"Main Currents in Modern Thought/Center for Integrative Education; Sep.-Oct. 1971, Vol. 28 No.1, New Rochelle, New York.2."Schools and metaphors"Main Currents in Modern Thought/Center for Integrative Education Sep.-Oct. 1971, Vol. 28 No.1, New Rochelle, New York.3."User’s metametaphoric phenomena of architecture and Music":“METU” (Middle East Technical University: Ankara, Turkey): May 1995" Journal of the Faculty of Architecture4."Metametaphors and Mondrian: Neo-plasticism and its’ influences in architecture" Unpublished, 19935. "The Metametaphor of architectural education", North Cypress, Turkish University. December, 19976."Mosques and metaphors"Unpublished, 19937."The basis of the metaphor of Arabia"Unpublished, 19938."The conditions of Arabia in metaphor"Unpublished, 19939. "The metametaphor theorem"Architectural Scientific Journal, Vol. No. 8; 1994 Beirut Arab University. 10. "Arabia’s metaphoric images"Unpublished, 199311."The context of Arabia in metaphor"Unpublished, 199312. "A partial metaphoric vocabulary of Arabia"“Architecture: University of Technology in Datutop; February 1995 Finland13."The Aesthetics of the Arab architectural metaphor" “International Journal for Housing Science and its applications” Coral Gables, Florida.199314."Multi-dimensional metaphoric thinking"Open House, September 1997: Vol. 22; No. 3, United Kingdom: Newcastle uponTyne15."Teaching the techniques of making architectural metaphors in the twenty-first century.” Journal of King Abdul Aziz University Engg...Sciences; Jeddah: Code: BAR/223/0615:OCT.2.1421 H. 12TH EDITION; VOL.I16. “Word Gram


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