Plastique Fantastique creates stunning design installations which play in a unique way with the urban space.
?Based in Berlin, Plastique Fantastique has been always influenced by the circumstances that make the city a laboratory for temporary spaces.?Plastique Fantastique wishes its architectures to be spacial experiences and platforms for multi-sensorial actions.
?Plastique Fantastiques structures affect the space like a soap bubble: with its skin it creates a subject by cropping its contest. The definition of this subject confers him some specific attributes and new possibilities for action. The visitor can experience the bubble by entering it or interacting with it from the outside. The bubble changes completely the perception of the space: its a foreigner which occupies and mutate usual relations and points of view.?By cropping the landscape, it gives birth to a new hybrid environment that allows an osmotic passage between private and public space.
?Plastique Fantastique creates light and fluid structures that can lay on the street, skirt a wall, infiltrate under a bridge, float on a lake, invade an apartment and generate an urban premiere.
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