Cai Ruiding received a doctorate in urban design from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2017. He is currently the deputy chief architect of Shenzhen University Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., the chief architect of the work (research) office, a professor-level senior architect, a national first-class registered architect, a national registered urban and rural planner, and a part-time job at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Shenzhen University Associate Professor, Member of the Fourth Evaluation Committee of Shenzhen Architectural Design Advanced Professional Technical Qualification, Member of Shenzhen Construction Engineering Expert Database, Member of Academic Advisory Committee of Jilin Jianzhu University Cold Region Urban Design Research Center, Member of Shenzhen Registered Architects Association, Shenzhen Civil Engineering He is a member of the Architectural Professional Committee of the Society, a member of the Architectural Society of China, and a member of the Chinese Urban Planning Society. The main research directions are education, culture, office and other public building design, high-rise and super high-rise building design, commercial and urban complex design, residential building and community planning and design, headquarters base and industrial park planning and design, urban renewal, transformation and urban design .


Harbin Institute of Technology


1 buildings

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Projects by Cai Ruiding