Redkolis Mariia.Architect. Member of the Union of Architects of Russia.
She carried out projects for the design of residential and industrial facilities, landscape and urban planning works from the design stage to full implementation. She took part in city-wide and international architectural competitions, as part of a team of authors, won prizes.

Since September 2017, she began to cooperate with the Naked Heart Foundation for children to create inclusive Playparks and Playgrounds within the Play with Purpose program as a volunteer. In May 2018, she joined the Foundation's team as a manager and architect.
12 projects of public play parks were implemented in different cities of Russia, such as: Moscow, Sochi, Samara, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Zavolzhye, Ulan-Ude, Arsenyev, Blagoveshchensk.6 of them were built in cooperation with the Coca-Cola Foundation, as legacy of FIFA 2018, 2 in the framework of cooperation with Russian Helicopters.

All projects were implemented under the supervision of Mariia on the basis of a project developed by her and technical documentation.




28 buildings

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Projects by Mariia Redkolis

Apr 15, 2022 - 18:33 • 895