Since 1994 Mostafa started working as a demonstrator at the Architectural Department AIN SHAMS University Cairo, Egypt. In 1997 he travelled to study for a PhD at the University of Liverpool. He joined the acoustics research unit in august 1998, and held his degree in 2003. His research interest includes evaluating the Acoustics propagation characteristics into a several density of building blocks of the urban scene, where the geometrical complexity becomes problematic. His research also includes Noise propagation into the urban fabric, energy distribution theories, RADIOSITY, thermal heat transfer and image synthesis, as well as Noise Mapping. Mostafa served as an acoustic consultant for several years at the Acoustic research unit ARU University of Liverpool, he worked as well in the UK on an EPSRC funded project titled ‘Development of novel window systems for optimum acoustic ventilation and day lighting performance’. Back in EGYPT in 2005 he currently serves as an assistant professor of architecture at the school of architecture and building engineering Ain Shams University.


Ain Shams University


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