After 15 years of experience working in Sultanate of Oman, Dubai & Malaysia, Kamal Sinan has returned to his homeland, Pakistan to foster the entrepreneurial side of his personality. He has always believed in creative forms of expression and longed to do that in a manner that not only satisfied his aspirations but also had a lasting impact in the lives of his customers. Having returned to Pakistan after so long, the rise of architectural firms in a region where the concept was not widely popular, intrigued him. After research and analysis, he realized that the Pakistani community had become receptive to the idea of hiring professional help, and most architectural firms represented a signature style. Ideas were thrown upon clients to choose from and the mere facade of a structure could reveal the designer behind it. Sinan wanted his work to represent the dreams and desires of each unique customer rather than a symbolic product embodying the organizations style. That is when the Kamal's vision for archentire was brought to life in 2010 and there has been no looking back ever since. Alhamdulillah


University of Manitoba


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