Born in Izmir, Turkey, she studied architecture in the Middle East Technical University where she received B. Arch (1979) and M.Arch (1983) degrees. After receiving a Fulbright Scholarship, she joined the graduate program of Carnegie Mellon University, and received M.Sc. (1987) and Ph.D. (1991) degrees in architecture. While doing graduate studies, she worked as a teaching assistant and an instructor both at METU and CMU. Upon her return, she worked for the Housing Development Administration, after which she joined the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, in 1992. She served as the chairperson of the department between 1993 and 2005, until she joined Izmir University of Economics, Department of Architecture as a professor in September 2005. She taught studios at various levels and courses on urban design, as well as supervising theses. During her sabbatical leave of absence in 2003-2004, she joined the Architecture Department of CMU as a visiting faculty member, teaching urban design studio and housing, as well as conducting research. Her areas of interest include urban design, urban studies and design education, on which she has published several articles in refereed journals, such as Journal of Architecture and Planning Research, Environment and Planning-B and Design Studies. She has numerous papers published in conference proceedings as well as essays that appeared in professional journals in Turkey.


Izmir Ekonomi University


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