studioNtropia is the result of a firm collaboration between panagiotis roupas-architect ntuathens/graphic designer, and giota passia-architect ntuathens.
Established in 2007, at studioNtropia we understand of architecture as a dynamic system managed by the duality of the real-virtual contract.
The questions we seek to answer lie in the field of the virtual. These are all the potential choices and encounters of the architectural problem confronted, all possible answers initiated by contradictions, intentions or supressions of any involving party. We thoroughly probe all data and parametres as inscribed in the virtual, seeking to unveil and concequently understand them.
Our answer lies in the real,it is our proposal to the architectural problem. It is the answer we believe to be the most efficient or coherent regarding the primary values we have established, the proposal that best fits the description of the principles set.
Our aim is to always consider the discipline of architecture versatile and openended, therefore treating all spatial systems as subject to constant change.


studiontropia architects

Building Construction

246 buildings

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Projects by Panagiotis Roupas

Jan 06, 2009 - 18:21 • 13240 Winner
Jan 06, 2009 - 18:03 • 12312
Jan 06, 2009 - 16:55 • 4853