Art Historian. Editor of Arquitectura/México, 1976-1980. Since 1982 has been a researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Involved in many aspects of architectural criticism, co-founder and director not only of the Comité International des Critiques d´ Architecture {CICA} but also of the Mexican Association of Architectural Critics. Chronicler of the Academia de Arquitectura, 1986-1996, and Honorary Academician of the Sociedad de Arquitectos Mexicanos, 1988. Very active in the field of the protection of the XXth Century architectural heritage, member of the ICOMOS, 1993, and DOCOMOMO, 2003; member of the Comisión Nacional de Zonas y Monumentos Artísticos, of the National Institute of Fine Arts, since 1994, and Inspector for UNESCO-ICOMOS, for the World Heritage Declaration of the Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas, 2000, and is since 2006 is President of DOCOMOMO-Mexico and editor of the Bulletin. Elected member of the Academia de Artes, Mexico, 1991, and of the Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes, Argentina, 2006. Consultant to the Macmillan Publishing House of London for the Dictionary of Art, 1986-1987. Contributor to numerous architectural journals, and author of various books on Mexican 20th Century Architecture amongst them: Arquitectos contemporáneos de México, 1989; Ricardo Legorreta, 1989; Guía de Arquitectura contemporánea de la Ciudad de México, 1993; Luis Barragán, 1996; Enrique del Moral, 2004.

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

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