{1892 - 1943} After his graduation at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris {1924} and an internship in Gustav Umbdenstock`s studio in Paris, from 1927 to 1943, H.Creanga designed in Romania more than 75 modern buildings: villas, apartment buildings, low-cost dwellings, important public buildings of different types, industrial buildings. For good reasons, his contemporaries used to consider his architecture the finest example of modernism in Romania, Creanga being the author of the first important modern building in the centre of Bucharest {the ten-storied ARO Building, apartments with movie theatre, designed in 1929}. Consequently, his studio played the role of a "parallel school" for the younger architects. One could say that, by means of his projects, Creanga succeeded to disseminate the Modern Movement in Romania to the same extent than Marcel Janco did through his propaganda, fact that places both of them in the avant-garde of Romanian modern architecture. Although he was not a theorist, but rather a "silent" character, the only six pages left from him are the most radical ever written during that period. His radicalism was two sided. On the one hand, the architect explicitly aimed at new aesthetics, whose expression was, in his opinion, "the horizontality", visually corresponding to the urban circulation of the motor-cars, and "the simplicity", which meant refinement and restraint, in a word, an "aristocraticalness" of forms.


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Projects by Horia Creanga

Jan 10, 2008 - 15:19 • 13867
Jan 10, 2008 - 15:18 • 11029