Imre Makovecz DLA, architect
Budapest, 1935

1999 DLA level
1959 Degree, Technical University, Budapest

1959-62 BUVÁTI Design Studio
1962-71 Szövterv Design Studio
1971-77 VÁTI Design Studio
1977-81 Pilis Forestry - Architect
1981-91 Makona Associated Architects, Leader Architect
1991- MAKONA Architectural Studio, Leader Architect

Other Activities:
1981- Lecturer on the Hungarian Academy of Applyed arts and Technical University in Budapest
1987- Lecturer of the International Academy of Architects
1988- Chairman of the board of trustees at Országépíto Foundation
1992- Chairman of the Hungarian Academi of Arts
1993-98 Chairman of the board of directors in the Porcelain Manufacture of Herend
1996-98 Member of the editoral board of the newspaper "Magyar Nemzet"

1969 Ybl Miklós-award
1987 Honour Fellow of The American Institut of Architects
1990 Kossuth-award
1992 Honour Fellowship, The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
1993 Honorary Degree of Doctor, The University of Dundee
1996 Hungarian Heritage Award
1997 Gold Medal, L`Académy D Architecture
1998 Honorary Fellowship, Royal Institut of British Architects
2001 Corvin chain honoured
2003 Príma Primissima Award
1999 Steindl Imre Award


Building Construction

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